In various uses, glocalisation has entailed elements of the following:
Including and combining local, regional, and global, or micro-meso-macro, as one dimension, the magnitudes or scale dimension. Manfred Lange used the term "glocal" in late 1989 during preparations for the Global Change exhibition, and presented a poster on local and global change. . [more below and external links]
Using electronic communications technologies, such as the Internet, to provide local services on a global or transregional basis. Craigslist and
Meetup are examples of web applications that have glocalised their approach.
Individuals, households and organisations maintaining interpersonal social networks that combine extensive local and long-distance interactions.
The establishment of local organisation structures, working with local cultures and needs, by businesses as they progress from national to multinational, or global businesses. As has been done by many organisations such as IBM.
Including and combining local, regional, and global, or micro-meso-macro, as one dimension, the magnitudes or scale dimension. Manfred Lange used the term "glocal" in late 1989 during preparations for the Global Change exhibition, and presented a poster on local and global change. . [more below and external links]
Using electronic communications technologies, such as the Internet, to provide local services on a global or transregional basis. Craigslist and
Meetup are examples of web applications that have glocalised their approach.
Individuals, households and organisations maintaining interpersonal social networks that combine extensive local and long-distance interactions.
The establishment of local organisation structures, working with local cultures and needs, by businesses as they progress from national to multinational, or global businesses. As has been done by many organisations such as IBM.